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What is a DDoS Attack?

The Anatomy of a DDoS Attack

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack involves flooding a website or network with a high volume of traffic or connection requests. These attacks consume a significant amount of server resources, making the targeted website or application unavailable to legitimate users. Here, we will look at the anatomy of a DDoS attack—what it is, how it works, and the different types of attacks. We will also discuss how to detect and mitigate a DDoS attack and prevent future attacks.

What is a DDoS Attack?

DDoS attacks (distributed denial of service) are designed to overwhelm a targeted website or network with a flood of traffic, making it unavailable to legitimate users. The primary target of DDoS attacks is usually websites, online services, or servers.

The following are some of the typical targets of DDoS attacks:

  • eCommerce websites: Attackers may target e-commerce websites to disrupt their services, making it difficult for customers to access them, and causing revenue loss.
  • Government websites: Hacktivists and cybercriminals may target government websites to make a political statement, disrupt government services, or steal sensitive information.
  • Financial institutions: Attackers may target banks and financial institutions to disrupt their services and cause financial loss.
  • Online gaming platforms: Hackers may target gaming platforms to cause inconvenience to players, disrupt services, and steal personal information.
  • Cloud-based services: Attackers may target cloud-based services to disrupt the services of many websites hosted on the same cloud server, causing a ripple effect of downtime.
  • Internet Service Providers (ISPs): Hackers may target ISPs to disrupt internet connectivity for an entire region, causing massive inconvenience.

DDoS attacks are not limited to these targets and can be launched against any website or network that is connected to the internet.

DDoS Attack

The Impact of a DDoS Attack

DDoS attacks can have severe consequences for the targeted website, the organization, and its customers. Here are some of the consequences of a DDoS attack:

  • Website or service downtime: The primary goal of a DDoS attack is to overwhelm a website or service with traffic, which can cause it to crash or become unavailable to legitimate users. This can lead to lost revenue, customer dissatisfaction, and reputational damage.
  • Financial loss: DDoS attacks can result in significant financial losses for businesses due to downtime, damage to infrastructure, and the cost of mitigation measures.
  • Data theft or loss: Some DDoS attacks are designed to distract IT staff while hackers attempt to steal sensitive data or cause data loss.
  • Reputational damage: A DDoS attack can damage an organization's reputation, especially if customers are unable to access its services. This can lead to a loss of customer trust, which can be difficult to regain.
  • Legal consequences: In some cases, a DDoS attack may violate local laws, leading to legal action against the attackers or the targeted organization.
  • Operational costs: Mitigating a DDoS attack requires significant resources and can result in increased operational costs for the targeted organization.

Overall, the consequences of a DDoS attack can be severe and far-reaching, affecting not only the targeted organization but also its customers and partners.

How Does a DDoS Attack Work?

The main difference between a DoS (denial of service) attack and a DDoS attack is the number of attackers involved and the method of attack. In a DoS attack, a single attacker sends a large volume of traffic or requests to a target server or network in order to overload it and disrupt its services. The attacker typically uses a single computer or a small group of computers to generate the traffic or requests.

In contrast, in a DDoS attack, multiple attackers (or botnets) send traffic or requests to a target server or network from a large number of compromised devices (such as computers, servers, or IoT devices) distributed across different geographic locations. The attackers coordinate their actions using a command and control system to launch the attack simultaneously or sequentially, overwhelming the target with a massive volume of traffic or requests.

DDoS attacks are typically more difficult to detect and mitigate than DoS attacks due to their distributed nature. They require more resources and sophisticated techniques to launch and can cause more damage to the target. As a result, DDoS attacks are considered a more severe threat than DoS attacks.

Botnet Concept


Cybercriminals often use botnets to launch DDoS attacks, as they offer a powerful tool for overloading targeted websites or servers with traffic. Botnets are created by compromising internet-connected devices, which are then co-opted into the network.

These networks can consist of thousands or even millions of devices, making them difficult to detect and take down. Devices such as IoT devices and home routers are often vulnerable to being recruited into botnets, making it essential to protect them with strong passwords and regular software updates. Once a device is co-opted into a botnet, it becomes part of a larger network that is used for any number of malicious activities.


In a DDoS attack, amplification techniques are often used to increase traffic directed at the targeted website or server. Amplification attacks exploit vulnerabilities in certain internet protocols and services, such as DNS or NTP, by using them to send large amounts of traffic to the target. This overwhelming volume of traffic can cause the target's resources to crash, effectively taking it offline.


In a reflection DDoS attack, the attacker uses vulnerable servers or devices to send requests to reflectors, which then send responses back to the target. These responses are often much larger than the initial request, overwhelming the target's network and causing it to crash. DNS servers are commonly used as reflectors in DDoS attacks because they provide amplification factors of over 50 times. However, any device with an open port can be vulnerable to being used as a reflector.

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Bad Bots and Beyond: 2023 State of the Threat Report
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Types of DDoS Attacks

Different types of DDoS attacks can be used to bring down websites and servers. One such attack is the Distributed Reflection Denial of Service (DRDoS) attack, which uses spoofed IP addresses to amplify attack traffic. This technique involves sending requests to vulnerable servers or devices that reflect responses back to the target, overwhelming its network and causing it to crash.

Another type of DDoS attack is IoT-based, which uses vulnerable Internet of Things (IoT) devices to flood target networks with traffic. This type of attack exploits the lack of security on these connected devices, making them prime targets for attackers looking to launch DDoS attacks. Other common types of DDoS attacks include:


Volumetric DDoS attacks are among the most common and devastating types of cyberattacks. They involve overwhelming a targeted website or network with a flood of traffic, making it impossible for legitimate users to access the services. One type of DDoS attack involves sending a large number of HTTP requests to the targeted server or website, exhausting its resources, and making it unavailable to legitimate users.

When an attacker floods a website or server with HTTP requests (HTTP flood), it can quickly overload its processing power and bandwidth, leading to downtime and service disruptions. These attacks can be launched using botnets or amplification techniques, which exploit vulnerable servers to send large amounts of traffic to the target.

Protocol Attacks

DDoS attacks can also target the underlying protocols that enable internet communication, such as the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). In a TCP-based DDoS attack, the attacker sends a flood of TCP packets to the targeted server, overwhelming its resources and disrupting its services. To establish a TCP connection, the client and server must perform a three-way handshake, which involves exchanging three packets between the two endpoints.

Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in this process, flooding the server with a large number of acknowledgement (ACK) packets that it cannot handle. An example would be A SYN flood, a type of DDoS attack that targets the three-way handshake process where an attacker sends a large number of SYN requests to a server but never responds to the server's SYN-ACK responses. This causes the server to hold resources waiting for the final ACK packet, which never arrives, leading to service disruption or downtime.

In contrast, a UDP flood is a type of DDoS attack that targets the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) by sending a high volume of UDP packets to a server, overwhelming its ability to process the packets and leading to service disruption or denial of service.

A "ping of death" is a type of DDoS attack that targets the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) by sending malformed ping packets that can crash or freeze the target network or server.

Application Layer Attacks

An application layer DDoS attack, also known as a Layer 7 DDoS attack, targets the application layer of the OSI model (Open Systems Interconnection), where the actual communication between the application and the end-user takes place. In contrast to other types of DDoS attacks, which target lower layers of the network stack, application-layer DDoS attacks focus on exploiting vulnerabilities in the targeted application itself, such as its web server, database, or application server.

The Structure of a DDoS Attack

The anatomy of a DDoS attack can be complex, involving multiple stages and techniques. It typically begins with the reconnaissance stage, where attackers gather information on potential targets and vulnerabilities. From there, they move to the botnet creation stage, where they assemble a network of compromised devices that can be used to launch the attack. Finally, the attack launch stage involves overwhelming the target with a flood of traffic, often using amplification or reflection techniques to increase the volume and impact of the attack.

Reconnaissance Stage

During the reconnaissance stage of a DDoS attack, attackers gather information about their target to identify vulnerabilities and plan their attack accordingly. This phase can involve various tools and techniques to scan for weaknesses in the target's network or website, as well as social engineering tactics like phishing emails or phone calls to obtain sensitive information.

An IP address is often used in a DDoS attack as a way to identify the target of the attack. In a DDoS attack, the attacker typically directs a large number of requests or traffic to a particular IP address, which is usually associated with a specific server or network. The attacker can use various techniques to conceal their own IP address or generate fake IP addresses in order to make it more difficult to identify the source of the attack.

Botnet Creation Stage

The botnet creation stage is the first step in launching a DDoS attack, where attackers create a network of compromised devices that they can control remotely. Once assembled, the attacker can use this botnet to bombard a target with traffic until it becomes overwhelmed and unavailable to legitimate users. Attackers typically create botnets by infecting devices with malware or exploiting vulnerabilities in software and hardware. The size and strength of the botnet are crucial determinants of the severity of the attack.

Attack Launch Stage

After establishing a botnet, the attacker enters the attack launch stage, where they begin to send overwhelming traffic requests to the target server or website. The attacker may use various methods, such as phishing emails or exploiting vulnerabilities, to infect devices with malware and gain control over them. Once the botnet is established, the attacker can initiate the attack by sending a flood of requests to the target. This surge in traffic causes the server or website to become unresponsive or crash altogether, causing immense damage.

Extortion is often related to DDoS attacks in the sense that attackers may use the threat of a DDoS attack as a way to extort money from their victims. In an extortion DDoS attack, the perpetrator typically demands a ransom payment in exchange for stopping the attack. The attacker may threaten to continue or escalate the attack if the victim does not pay the ransom.

How to Detect a DDoS Attack

Regular monitoring of network traffic for unusual spikes or patterns can help detect an ongoing DDoS attack. It is also important to set up alerts that notify you of any suspicious activity on your network. Regular simulations and stress tests can help you gauge how well your network can handle DDoS attacks so that you can take preventive measures before it's too late. By detecting a DDoS attack early, you can minimize its impact and prevent further damage to your organization's reputation and customer trust.

Traffic Volume Analysis

Detecting a DDoS attack in its early stages is crucial to minimizing the damage it can cause. One of the most effective ways to detect such attacks is through traffic volume analysis. Monitoring incoming traffic for abnormal spikes or patterns can help identify potential attacks as they happen. An increase in traffic that exceeds normal levels is a red flag. Terabits per second (Tbps) refers to the amount of traffic that a DDoS attack can generate and can be used to measure the severity of an attack. Using tools like intrusion detection systems (IDS) and security information and event management (SIEM) can aid in monitoring traffic for any suspicious patterns.

Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection involves analyzing network traffic for unusual behavior and patterns that could indicate malicious activity. By monitoring incoming traffic, IT teams can identify any anomalies and respond quickly to prevent or mitigate the impact of an attack. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to detect these anomalies automatically and alert IT personnel to potential threats. This approach helps distinguish between legitimate traffic and malicious activity, allowing for targeted responses that minimize disruption to critical business operations.

How to Mitigate a DDoS Attack

Mitigating a DDoS attack requires a multifaceted approach, involving both proactive and reactive measures. Investing in anti-DDoS technology such as firewalls and content delivery networks (CDNs) can help prevent attacks from overwhelming your network or website. Network segmentation is also crucial for limiting attackers' access to critical systems. Overprovisioning, blackholing, DDoS mitigation services, and cloud scrubbing are all effective mitigation techniques that can complement these efforts.

  • Use a DDoS protection service: Many cloud providers, such as Google and Amazon Web Services (AWS), and security companies offer DDoS protection services that can detect and block malicious traffic before it reaches the target network.
  • Increase bandwidth: Adding additional bandwidth to your network can help absorb the impact of a DDoS attack and prevent the network from becoming overwhelmed.
  • Use load balancing: Load balancing can distribute traffic across multiple servers, which can help absorb a DDoS attack and prevent any one server from being overwhelmed.
  • Implement rate limiting: Rate limiting can be used to limit the amount of traffic that is allowed to enter a network, which can help prevent a DDoS attack from overwhelming the network.
  • Use a web application firewall (WAF): WAFs can detect and block malicious traffic before it reaches the target server or application, helping to prevent a DDoS attack from consuming server resources and causing service disruption.
  • Blackhole routing: Blackhole routing involves routing traffic to a null route, essentially discarding the traffic, which can help prevent a DDoS attack from consuming server resources.
  • Implement a traffic filtering solution: Traffic filtering solutions can be used to filter out malicious traffic before it reaches the target network, helping to prevent a DDoS attack from overwhelming network resources.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution for mitigating a DDoS attack, and the best approach will depend on the specific nature of the attack and the resources available to the organization.

Preventing Future DDoS Attacks

Preventing future DDoS attacks is crucial to ensuring the smooth functioning of websites and networks. One way to achieve this is by using a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute traffic. A CDN can help reduce the strain on your website's server and ensure that legitimate traffic is processed while malicious traffic is filtered out. Additionally, implementing firewalls and intrusion prevention systems can help block unauthorized access attempts and protect against known vulnerabilities.

Regular security audits are also essential to proactively address potential threats and identify vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Finally, staying up-to-date with the latest software updates and patches can help reduce the risk of cyberattacks. By adopting these best practices, organizations can take proactive steps towards protecting their websites and networks from DDoS attacks.

Patching Vulnerabilities

Regular updates and strong password policies can play a crucial role in reducing vulnerabilities to DDoS attacks. Outdated software, weak passwords, and unsecured network protocols are common entry points for attackers. Implementing network security measures like firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits can also help identify and prevent DDoS attacks. Staying up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates for your website's software enables you to proactively address potential threats before they escalate into a full-blown attack.

Fostering a Cybersecurity Culture

Developing a culture of cybersecurity awareness is critical in preventing future DDoS attacks. By educating employees on identifying and reporting suspicious activity, implementing strong passwords and authentication measures, and staying up-to-date with software updates and security patches, businesses can significantly reduce their risk of being targeted by malicious actors.
Regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing can also help identify potential weaknesses in your network's defenses. It's essential to have a response plan in place in case of a DDoS attack, including procedures for notifying customers, partners, and law enforcement agencies. By fostering a culture of cybersecurity best practices, businesses can protect themselves from the devastating consequences of a DDoS attack.

How Arkose Labs Can Help

DDoS attacks are increasingly frequent, sophisticated, and carried out using many cybercrime tactics such as phishing, social engineering, botnets and more.

Arkose Bot Manager combines transparent detection with dynamic attack response to catch attackers early without disrupting the user experience. Arkose detection aggregates real-time device, network, and behavioral signals to spot hidden signs of bot and human-driven attacks, such as phishing attacks and device- and location-spoofing. Once suspicious signals are detected, Arkose’s proprietary challenge-response technology separates the good users from the bad bots.

Want to learn more? Book a demo today!