Arkose Labs: The Game-Changing
Alternative to reCAPTCHA

Arkose Labs Fraud and Abuse Prevention Platform helps organizations who are frustrated with legacy CAPTCHA solutions by providing both a seamless customer experience and robust fraud prevention.

The Arkose Labs Difference

Reduces challenge rates so that good users enjoy a seamless experience.

Step-up challenges are optimized for both mobile and desktop.

Challenges are tailored to specific threat and suspicion levels.

Users are never blocked automatically, and good customers see little friction.

Proven resilience against being solved an masse through automation.

Challenges sap human fraduster’s efficiency, rendering these attacks financially non-viable.

Inspired by gamification principles, completion rates are ~98% for good users.

Cost-effective alternative to out of band authentication.

White label solution ensures that your brand elements are front and center.

Over 100 languages supported, and audio challenges for the visually impaired.

Book a Demo

Request a demo today, to see how Arkose Labs’ innovative range of authentication challenges can dramatically improve usability while eliminating fraud.